[Update] The spokesperson for the Ministry of the Interior Ehsan Zahidov said following the investigation, all men identified in the video were arrested and questioned. The men were family members of the soldier mentioned in the original tweet.
In Azerbaijan, a man was beaten over a social media post that was not even his.
On April 28, a group of men beat up social media humorist Fuad Rasulzade. In the video widely distributed across social media platforms, the men are seen twisting his arms, hitting him, and accusing him of disrespecting a soldier, who was killed during the second Karabakh war in a social media post.
https://t.co/2MDnpGQ2Q6 pic.twitter.com/Vu6x9Hy9bP
— Giyas (@GiyaSol) April 28, 2021
Eventually, Rasulzade was let go. After a medical examination, he was discharged without major injuries.
The Ministry of the Interior said it was informed of the incident and will investigate the men who beat up Rasulzade.
Turns out, the post over which Rasulzade was attacked was not even his and was shared first by another friend. After telling Rasulzade that he has been receiving threats, Rasulade wrote on Facebook that the idea belonged to him. The original post was shared a month ago, on March 27.