In Azerbaijan an online television channel temporarily suspends its work


An online television channel – Red Line Channel, temporarily suspended its work on May 5. According to the founder of the channel, Samira Gasimli, while the channel took a pause on its work a few months back, as the team was considering restructuring the format of its programs, the work of the team was put on a pause, when the team learned they were being moved from the office where it was located.

In an interview with Meydan TV, Gasimli said the timing of the eviction was surprising. According to Gasimli, the channel was planning to start daily live broadcasts as of May 1. This is when the team received the call from the landlord, who informed them they must vacate the office space as of May 1. 

Previously the team was evicted from a studio.

Gasimli told Meydan TV, the team was not looking for a new office given it was futile. Instead, they were trying to find another way.  

In March, AIW reported on a targeted digital attack against the channel’s social media accounts. 

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